

Surgically tightening of the vagina.

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Kindly note : We at Kayakriti know that talking about genitalia, especially as it relates to sexual pleasure, can be uncomfortable for any lady. Please know that Dr Amit Agarwal is here to support you for all reasons you might be considering vaginoplasty. We will listen to you, provide details about how we will perform the procedure, what results to expect and answer all of your questions.

Remember-Surgically tightening of the vagina cannot guarantee a heightened sexual response, since desire, arousal, and orgasm are a complex phenomenon.

Some advice for women considering vaginoplasty : Please talk openly with us about your concerns about your genitals, as well as your expectations with the surgery. Few exercises (kegel) when done over a period of time can tone weak, loose pelvic foor muscles benefitting vagina as well, and enhance sexual arousal; and counselling alone can address issues of sexual self-esteem and confidence.

The surgeries performed to rejuvenate the female external genitalia are called Vaginal/female external genital rejuvenation procedures. Vaginoplasty is a commonly performed vaginal rejuvenation surgery. The female external genitalia/vulva are the accessory structures of the female reproductive system that are external to the vagina. Vulva consists of mainly Labia Majora, Mons Pubis, Labia Minora and the clitoris. The Labia Majora are large, fleshy folds of tissue that enclose and protect the other external genital organs. Labia minora are small fleshy folds lying inside the labia majora and surrounds the openings to the vagina and urethra

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A procedure that is designed to tighten the vagina is called as Vaginoplasty which is also known as Posterior Colporrhaphy. It is specifically done for women with significant laxity or loosening of vaginabecause of vaginal childbirth or increasing age that cannot be or were not benefited with the non-invasive or non-surgical vaginal tightening. In other words, it can also be called as a surgical procedure which results in construction or reconstruction of the vagina.

There can be a variety of reasons why women opt for Vaginoplasty:

  • Women who want removal of the extra mucosa skin from the back of the vagina.
  • Women who want to tighten up the vagina which becomes lax or loose from normal childbirth or aging.
  • Women who are self-conscious and want to improve their sexual life.

Vaginoplasty can be performed to:

  • Reduce the extra mucosa skin from the back side of the vagina.
  • Reduce the loosening of the vagina.
  • To bring the separated muscles together.
  • To improve the mental and physical wellbeing.

Vaginoplasty can also be combined with labiaplasty, reduction of clitoral hood surgery as an adjunct procedures for better results.


Discussions during Vaginoplasty consultation should include

  • You should discuss your surgical goals.
  • Any previous surgeries.
  • Current medication, use of herbals supplements and allergies.
  • Use of tobacco and alcohol.

A candidate opting for Vaginoplasty should fill up these criteria for better results

  • A person should be physically healthy.
  • You should preferably be a non-smoker.
  • You should really know well about what surgery you are planning to undergo.
  • You should be motivated enough to undergo the procedure.
  • You should have realistic expectations.

Dr Amit Agarwal's focus during consultation

  • Discussion about any other issue/problem which is coexisting
  • Need for supplemental procedures like labiaplasty, fat transfer to labia majora for better results.
  • Discuss any other available option like lasersor radio frequency treatments.
  • Tell you about the surgical procedure and related outcomes.
  • Any risks or complications involved.

Questions to be asked with your surgeon about your surgery

  • Am I a good candidate for the procedure?
  • How long do I have to stay at the center?
  • What is the procedure?
  • Will there be scarring post-surgery?
  • How long is the recovery period?
  • When can I return to work and daily routines?
  • When can I be sexually active again?

Preparations to be done for the surgery

  1. If you are a smoker, you should stop smoking at least two weeks prior to the surgery.
  2. Get the tests done prescribed by Dr Amit Agarwal.
  3. Avoid taking anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they aggravate bleeding.
  4. Admission will be done on the same day at the center
  5. Written consent form will be signed explaining the procedure after the admission.
  6. Meeting with the anaesthetist for Pre Anaesthetic check-up before the surgery if you are planning to undergo this procedure under general anaesthesia.
  7. Nil per oral for minimum of 5-6 hours before the planned procedure.

Vaginoplasty procedure includes

  • Generally, this procedure is done as a day care procedure but if you are not comfortable with Local Anaesthesia, then it can be performed under General Anaesthesia.
  • The second step includes the removal of the mucosal skin from inside of vagina after your surgeon determines the amount of tightening required. A pie shaped wedge is markedto remove extra skin from inside of the vagina. After the skin is removed, strong sutures are used to tighten the tissues. After the tightening of the vaginal canal, the mucosal skin is closed with absorbable sutures.
  • Sometimes there is external skin that protrudes, that also can be reduced to give more fine results.

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Recovery after the surgery

This process usually requires a day or two off from work, during which surgery is performed. A deep ache can be felt by the patients for first few days post-surgery. You will be made to walk on the same day of the surgery. And you will be discharged on the same day or next day of the surgery. The sutures will be mostly on the inner folds which will be dissolvable and do not require to be taken off.

To reduce the swelling and pain, cold pack fomentation is given to be sandwiched between the underpants and the outer garment. This process should be repeated every 30 minutes to 60 min. Elevate your bottom with pillows when lying down at home. Gently pat dry the area after bathing and toilet and do not wipe or rub it.Always wear loose-fitting clothing to avoid irritating the area.

There are instructions given by your surgeon which needs to be strictly followed which includes no intercourse for eight weeks. Sometimes patients are instructed to use dilators which depend on the amount of tightening performed.

This surgical procedure results in tighter vaginal canal, which apparently results in enhancement of sexual satisfaction but cannot guarantee it.

Dr Amit Agarwal will give you specific instructions for:

  • How to take care of the surgical site
  • About the medications and how to maintain the general health.
  • About your follow ups.

Risk and complications post-surgery

Like every surgery, Vaginoplastyalso involves some risks and complications which include:

  • Few rare risks related to anaesthesia.
  • Chances of infection, bleeding and poor wound healing (mostly seen in smokers, people with high BMI, diabetics, hypothyroidism and in women with multiple diseases).
  • Temporary Numbness or altered skin sensation.
  • Scar which fades away with time.
  • Pain which subsides with time and slight medication.
  • Possibilities of revision surgery if the results of the surgery performed are unsatisfactory.

These are the risks and possible complication which should be discussed by you with Dr Amit Agarwal before the procedure.

Do's and Don'ts:

  1. You should always discuss any previous surgery or medical condition without hesitation.
  2. You should immediately consult your doctor if you have any complication.
  3. You should always maintain a healthy lifestyle for best and prolonged results.
  4. You should not get into surgery if you are having any chronic illness and should not hide it with your doctor.
  5. You should always discuss the expected results of the surgery and your expectation from the procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a suitable candidate for Vaginoplasty?

If you have vaginal laxity, resulting from stretching of tissues and separating of the muscles or this lack of tone can contribute to sexual dysfunction, or you have a lax vagina post pregnancy or due to aging, then you are a suitable candidate for the surgery.

How long do I have to stay at the centre?

You can get discharged on the same day or second day after the surgery.

After how long can I resume my sexual activity?

You can resume your sexual activity after 6-8 weeks post-surgery but should be discussed with your surgeon on your follow up.

What percentage of risks and complications are involved in the surgery?

The risks and complications are minimal and they should be discussed with Dr Amit Agarwal before the surgery.

Do I need to quit smoking after the surgery?

Quitting smoking is a perfect solution even without surgery as it involves many health risks, but it's totally up to you wish that you want to quit or not. But you should surely stop smoking at least 2 weeks before the surgery.

After how much time period can I resume my job?

You can resume work just after a week of the surgery.


Shaping dreams through

Know your surgeon better

Dr Amit Agarwal

Best plastic surgeon, Dr. Amit Agarwal is an American Board Certified, extensively trained, and best Plastic & Aesthetic surgeon in Lucknow. He is the Chief Plastic Surgeon heading the Department of Plastic, Microvascular, and Craniofacial surgery at Vivekananda Polyclinic and Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, U.P, India. He maintains a busy practice at Avadh and Nishat Hospital and his own center - Kayakriti Plastic Surgery & Dental Center. He was formerly a Consultant in the Department of Plastic Surgery and Burns at the prestigious SGPGI, Lucknow.

MS, DNB (General Surgery) MCh, DNB (Plastic Surgery),

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Three pillars of kayakriti


We believe your experience with us should be comfortable and hassle-free to make it one of your best lifetime experiences for yours. We, here at the clinic, take full precautions to maintain your privacy in any manner. We also provide a staff who will receive you from the gate and take you to the chamber directly if you demand.


Our Surgeon is highly qualified and internationally certified with a team of skilled staff to perform any surgical or non-surgical treatment on your body.


When you plan to undergo any surgery you should always keep in mind that it's your body and it's a surgery. We, here always keep your safety a priority and will never recommend you to undergo any such procedure which is not safe for you. We also provide you with a detailed description of the complications which may occur after the surgery during the consultation as it's a surgical procedure so there may be some complications depending on the way your body reacts.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Medical Coordinator help a patient?

If you have flat or small breast and you want to improve your breast and hip contour ratio then you are a good candidate for it. The answer will be best provided after the first consultation with Dr Amit Agarwal.

Is it safe to visit Kayakriti clinic or hospital during Covid-19?

Acute pain will be there for almost a week which gradually reduces and there will be soreness and swelling which may take up to 3 weeks to subside.

Does Kayakriti provide any emergency surgical treatment?

You can join your work and daily routines after a week of the procedure and can start exercising after 3 weeks of it.

Can I consult with a doctor online?

Yes, you have to wear it round the clock unless we suggest you to remove it.

Does Kayakriti have insurance coverage for all surgeries?

This surgery does not affect the ducts or the areas of the breast involved in milk production. Thus, it does not affect the breast feeding.

How Kayakriti takes care of patients on the day of the surgery?

This surgery does not affect the ducts or the areas of the breast involved in milk production. Thus, it does not affect the breast feeding.

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Kayakriti Plastic Surgery & Dental Center

D-43, Near Punjab National Bank, Rajajipuram, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh - 226017, India

Phone No. +919695940009, +919695940006

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