
Butt Augmentation

Butt augmentation is a procedure which helps to improve the contour, size and shape of the buttocks by improving the tonicity of the underlying tissues.

Butt Augmentation

Butt augmentation is a procedure which helps to improve the contour, size and shape of the buttocks by improving the tonicity of the underlying tissues. This is possible with the help of-

  1. Buttock Implants- Silicone based implants placed deep within the tissues.
  2. Fat Grafting- Transfer of body fat from one part of the body to the other. This method is commonly known as the Brazilian Butt Lift.
  3. Butt lift- done with tummy tuck or lower body lift surgeries

Causes of Buttocks Sagging-

  1. Aging.
  2. Damage due to the sun.
  3. Pregnancy.
  4. Weight fluctuations.
  5. Genetically.

Advantages of Butt Augmentation-

  1. Increase the volume, roundness & protuberance of the buttocks.
  2. Maintain proper symmetry.
  3. Improve the personal confidence of an individual.

Butt Lift Procedure-

  1. Done as a part of tummy tuck or lower body lift procedurein men and women.
  2. Performed to improve shape & tonicity of underlying tissue supporting the skin & fat of the buttocks.
  3. In this procedure, soft tissueresponsible for sagging is removed and used for butt augmentation if required.

Liposuction of buttocks and thigh- This is sometimes used to contour the buttock and thigh Region.

Butt Augmentation

Discussion during butt augmentation consultation should include

  • Discuss about your expectations and the surgeon's goals.
  • Make the surgeon aware about all the medical history till date, any kind of existing allergic conditions.
  • Reveal about the existing adverse habits.

A candidate opting for butt augmentation should fill these criteria for better results

  • Should be physically fit with no medical history that can affect healing process.
  • Non-smokers.
  • Patient should have realistic expectations.
  • If having asymmetrical buttocks and significant soft tissue looseness in gluteal region affects an individual's self confidence.

Dr Amit Agarwal's focus during consultation

  • Evaluate general health status and any pre-existing health conditions or risk factors.
  • Examine and measure body including detailed body measurements.
  • Take photographs.
  • Discuss the butt augmentation/ lift options.
  • Discuss likely outcomes of butt lift surgery and any risks or potential complications
  • Determination of the correct procedure-
    This depends on-
    • Butt size and shape
    • Amount of fat available for liposuction.
    • Expectations out of procedure
    • Skin quality and elasticity as well as the amount of extra skin

Questions to be asked to the Surgeon

  • Am I a good candidate for this procedure?
  • What will be expected of me to get the best results?
  • Where and how will you perform my procedure?
  • What surgical technique is recommended for me?
  • How long of a recovery period can I expect, and what kind of help will I need during my recovery?
  • What are the risks and complications associated with my procedure?
  • How are complications handled?
  • How can I expect my butt to look over time?
  • What are my options if I am dissatisfied with the cosmetic outcome of my buttock augmentation and/or lift?

Preparation to be done before surgery

  1. You should be physically healthy.
  2. You should stop smoking if you are a smoker before at least two weeks prior to the surgery.
  3. Get the tests done prescribed by Dr Amit Agarwal.
  4. Avoid taking anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they aggravate bleeding.
  5. All pre surgical work up investigations should be shown to the operating surgeon and the anaesthetist, and we will evaluate your fitness for the surgery. You will be given date for the surgery only after you are declared fit for the procedure.
  6. Compression garment measurement should be given for post-surgical use.
  7. Admission will be done on the same day at the centre.
  8. Written consent form will be signed explaining the procedure after the admission.
  9. Meeting with the anaesthetist for Pre-Anaesthetic check-up before the surgery.
  10. Nil per oral for minimum of 5-6 hours before the planned procedure.

Surgical Procedure

A) Buttock Implants-

  • This cosmetic procedure can be performedunder general anesthesia.
  • The incision can be made toward the bottom in both of the gluteal creases (the areas where your "cheeks" meet the top of the thighs), incisions between both cheeks (hidden in the crease). The length of the incision and scar is directly related to the affected areas.
  • A silicone implant specially made for the buttocks is inserted either in the muscle or above the gluteal muscle on each side.
  • Surgical procedure may vary according to the type of implant, degree of correction required, body type & surgeon's advice.
  • Incisions are closed with layered sutures in the buttocks tissue and with sutures, skin adhesive or surgical tape to close the skin.
  • The results of buttock augmentation are immediately visible. Over time, post-surgical swelling resolves and incision lines fade.
  • As the healing continues, the surgical results keep improving.

B) Fat Grafting/Brazilian Butt Lift-

  • This cosmetic procedure can be performed under general anaesthesia.
  • Liposuctionis performed through small, inconspicuous incisions. First, diluted local anaesthesia is administered to reduce bleeding and trauma. Then a thin hollow tube, or cannula, is inserted through the incisions to loosen excess fat using a controlled back and forth motion. The dislodged fat is then suctioned out of the body using a surgical vacuum or syringe attached to the cannula. In general, up to three times the amount of fat than what will actually be injected into the buttocks is suctioned out.
  • Fat Injection- Fat is purified and processed. The syringes are then connected to a special cannula. Using this cannula, fat is added to the buttocks through small injections all over.
  • The results of buttock augmentation are immediately visible, but the final results are seen only after 6 months to a year after the surgery, as it takes a while for the fat to "take." This procedure offers natural-looking results, but the projection of the buttocks may decrease over time. Some of the initial volume experienced after fat grafting procedure fade as the fat is absorbed by the body, averaging to retain 60-80% of the transferred fat, in some cases more in others less.
  • As the patient gains or loses weight, the results may change as the transferred fat can grow or shrink just as any other fat in the body.

C) Butt Lift-

  • This surgical procedure requires extensive placement of incisions.
  • Incision length and pattern depend on the amount and location of excess skin to be removed, as well as surgical judgment considering placement of incisions in areas where it can be covered by clothes.
  • This cosmetic procedure can be performed under general anaesthesia.
  • One common technique of gluteal lift uses an incision just below the waist line and is commonly combined with an abdominoplasty incision in a body contouring procedure.
  • Liposuction may be used for improved contouring as well. If it is determined by the surgeon to do an auto-augmentation, some of the tissue that is normally removed is strategically left in place hidden underneath the remaining skin.
  • Another technique uses an incision just below the buttocks and is placed in the crease between the buttocks and the upper thigh. The excess skin and tissues are removed resulting in a more defined crease and sometimes smooths the skin of the back of the upper thigh.
  • Deep sutures are placed supporting the skin.Skin incision is closed with absorbabale sutures.
  • The results are immediately visible. However, the tissues will need to settle within the first 3-6 months and the incision lines can take up to a year to mature.

Post-Operative Recovery

After the surgery, dressings are applied to the surgical area and you are made to wear a compression garment to reduce swelling and to support your butt. You will be made to walk on the same or next day of the surgery. You will be discharged on second day of the surgery after the drains are removed.

Drains are placed under the skin to remove excess blood or fluid from the surgery. We might send you home with drain if there is excess fluid in the body. It may be preferable to remove the drain at a follow up visit.

  • The sutures will be mostly on the inner folds and inside the skin which will be dissolvable and do not require to be taken off.
  • There can be substantial swelling and bruising of the surgical area which usually subsides in 3 to 4 weeks.
  • In the days following surgery, there will be pain which can be subsided by the pain killers given by Dr Amit Agarwal.
  • Soreness might last for few weeks.
  • Avoid prolonged sitting for about two weeks as prolonged sitting will damage the fat.
  • Sleep with face down or on your side. While sitting, use a pillow or cushion placed behind the legs to help raise the buttocks, avoiding pressure onto the fat graft.
  • Regular massage may be advised.
  • Resume exercise after six to eight weeks
  • You will be made to walk 6 hours post-surgery or the very following day, depending on your will and wish.
  • Pressure garment is a must wear for the next 4 to 6 months without gap or fail for almost 24 hours a day.
  • You can return to work depending on your will power and the type of work required between 2-3 weeks.
  • You can return to your normal lifestyle after three weeks of surgery.

Dr Amit Agarwal will give you specific instructions for:

  • How to take care of the surgical site.
  • About the medications and how to maintain the general health.
  • About your follow ups.

Risk and complications post-surgery

The complications and aftermaths of the surgery vary from person to person and their physical well-being. The factors which affect are poor circulation, a history of blood clots, diabetes or heart, lung or liver infection.

The Like every surgery, Butt Augmentation may involve some risks and complications which include:

  • Rare risks related to General anaesthesia. Anaesthesia is very safe in present times and with best machines and a qualified anaesthetist, chances of encountering any complication is less than 0.1 percent in a healthy individual. We at Kayakriti Plastic Surgery and Dental centre are equipped with world class anaesthesia workstation, other equipments and two very qualified intensivists for the surgical procedures to be very safe and smooth.
  • Seroma formation or fluid accumulation can occur which sometimes persists for a week.
  • Rare chances of infection which might require prolonged antibiotic therapy.
  • Bleeding and haematoma formation which might require drainage.
  • Poor wound healing because of poor blood supply (mostly seen in smokers, people with high BMI, diabetics, hypothyroidism and in people with multiple diseases).
  • Numbness or altered skin sensation can persist for 3-6 months.
  • Scar will be in lower buttock area. It can get hypertrophied in few prone individuals.
  • Very rare chances of skin loss or sutural dehiscence which might require resuturing.
  • Persistent pain which subsides with time and slight medications.
  • Prolonged swelling and skin discoloration which subsides with time.
  • Rare event of Deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary or cardiac complications can occur or precipitate in patients with multiple pre-existing diseases diagnosed or undiagnosed by routinely available standard tests and if multiple procedures are done in the same sitting.
  • Rare possibility of fat embolism.
  • Possibility of revised surgery if the results don't meet your desired expectations.

These are the risks and possible complications which should be discussed by you with Dr Amit Agarwal before the procedure.

The total benefits of Butt Augmentation will be seen after the swelling subsides.

You should always follow a healthy lifestyle to maintain your profile and confidence. It is also very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle to maintain your shape and contour.

Do's and Don'ts of Butt Augmentation

  1. You should always discuss any previous surgery or medical condition without hesitation.
  2. You should always wear pressure garment as it reduces swelling and gives proper shape.
  3. You should immediately consult your doctor if you have any complication.
  4. You should always maintain a healthy lifestyle for best and prolonged results.
  5. You should not get into surgery if you are having any major chronic illness and you should not hide it with your doctor.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Last?

Depending upon a healthy lifestyle and normal weight range, results generally are long lasting. Although there is a possibility of the injected fat being reabsorbed by the body, in most cases, at least 60-80% of the fat is maintained.

What Is the Difference Between a Brazilian Butt Lift and Butt Implants?

Both are different methods. A Brazilian butt lift uses fat from another part of the body. Butt Implants are helpful in case of insufficient fat tissue.

How Long Does It Take to Recover from a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Most patients can return to work and normal activity within one to two weeks after the procedure. Recovery depends on how diligently you follow your post-surgical instructions and how fast you heal.

When can I resume exercising after Butt Augmentation?

You can begin walking and light activity two to three weeks after the procedure.

When Can I Sit after a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Use of inflatable pillow while sitting for at least eight weeks is advised.

Butt Augmentation

Shaping dreams through

Know your surgeon better

Dr Amit Agarwal

Best plastic surgeon, Dr. Amit Agarwal is an American Board Certified, extensively trained, and best Plastic & Aesthetic surgeon in Lucknow. He is the Chief Plastic Surgeon heading the Department of Plastic, Microvascular, and Craniofacial surgery at Vivekananda Polyclinic and Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, U.P, India. He maintains a busy practice at Avadh and Nishat Hospital and his own center - Kayakriti Plastic Surgery & Dental Center. He was formerly a Consultant in the Department of Plastic Surgery and Burns at the prestigious SGPGI, Lucknow.

MS, DNB (General Surgery) MCh, DNB (Plastic Surgery),

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We believe your experience with us should be comfortable and hassle-free to make it one of your best lifetime experiences for yours. We, here at the clinic, take full precautions to maintain your privacy in any manner. We also provide a staff who will receive you from the gate and take you to the chamber directly if you demand.


Our Surgeon is highly qualified and internationally certified with a team of skilled staff to perform any surgical or non-surgical treatment on your body.


When you plan to undergo any surgery you should always keep in mind that it's your body and it's a surgery. We, here always keep your safety a priority and will never recommend you to undergo any such procedure which is not safe for you. We also provide you with a detailed description of the complications which may occur after the surgery during the consultation as it's a surgical procedure so there may be some complications depending on the way your body reacts.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Medical Coordinator help a patient?

If you have flat or small breast and you want to improve your breast and hip contour ratio then you are a good candidate for it. The answer will be best provided after the first consultation with Dr Amit Agarwal.

Is it safe to visit Kayakriti clinic or hospital during Covid-19?

Acute pain will be there for almost a week which gradually reduces and there will be soreness and swelling which may take up to 3 weeks to subside.

Does Kayakriti provide any emergency surgical treatment?

You can join your work and daily routines after a week of the procedure and can start exercising after 3 weeks of it.

Can I consult with a doctor online?

Yes, you have to wear it round the clock unless we suggest you to remove it.

Does Kayakriti have insurance coverage for all surgeries?

This surgery does not affect the ducts or the areas of the breast involved in milk production. Thus, it does not affect the breast feeding.

How Kayakriti takes care of patients on the day of the surgery?

This surgery does not affect the ducts or the areas of the breast involved in milk production. Thus, it does not affect the breast feeding.

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Kayakriti Plastic Surgery & Dental Center

D-43, Near Punjab National Bank, Rajajipuram, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh - 226017, India

Phone No. +919695940009, +919695940006

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