
Dark Circle Treatment

say goodbye
to dark circles

Dark circles due to shadowing effect or deposition of melanin pigment around the eyes.

Fat Transfer to Labia Majora
Dark Circle Treatment

Best solution for Dark Circles in India

What are Dark Circles?

Dark circles are nothing but darkening around the eyes. They can be due to the shadowing effect or deposition of melanin pigment around the eyes. They appear as light to dark brown or black pigmentation around the eyes. They make you look tired, older, and dull.

What causes Dark Circles?

Dark circles are often simply due to lack of sleep, extreme fatigue, or dehydration in men and women in daily life. This is temporary and improves when one is well rested and hydrated. Excessive eye strain due to increased screen time, frequent eye rubbing due to inflammatory or allergic reactions around the eye like dermatitis, and overexposure to the sun can also cause dark circles. Few chronic medical conditions also cause dark circles around the eyes, like thyroid diseases.

Dark circles are referred to as periocular hyperpigmentation when deposition of excessive melanin pigment of brown/black color occurs due to any of the above-mentioned causes or with deposition of blue pigment/blue gray hue due to superficial location of blood vessels and vascularity under the thin skin around the eyelid region. Apart from the remedial measures of the causative problems, specific treatment is sometimes required for dark circles if they become chronic.

Family history also plays a part in developing dark circles under your eyes. It can be an inherited trait seen early in childhood and may worsen as one ages.

Natural aging is a very common cause of dark circles around the eyes as people lose fat and collagen from the skin making it thinner and eventually darker. Dark circles appear as shadows due to skin laxity and tear trough associated with aging. They can be associated with under-eye bags and droopy eyelids.

They are quite difficult to get rid of. Dark skin people are more prone to it. Some lifestyle factors like smoking, stress and alcohol overindulgence also contribute to their development. They are no cause for concern other than cosmetic and do not require medical attention.

There are many at-home solutions available to address the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

However, if you have chronic dark circles regardless of your lifestyle habits, you may need to consider professional treatment for them.

What are the treatments available with Dr Amit Agarwal at Kayakriti for dark circles?
  • Applications of creams reduce the melanin pigment under the eyes
  • Fillers to conceal blood vessels and add volume to the eyelid region
  • Nano fat grafting for rejuvenation of skin and collagen thickening and micro fat grafting for adding volume.
  • Blepharoplasty to remove excess fat and skin, revealing a smoother and more even surface
  • Chemical peels to reduce pigmentation and Lasers to enhance skin tightening can also be done (not done at our center).
Dark Circle Treatment

What discussions during dark circles treatment consultation should include?

  • Any previous medical history or surgery.
  • Any drug allergies.
  • Current medical conditions, if any. Any supplements or medications.
  • Alcohol, tobacco intake

How can candidates opting for Dark Circles Treatment achieve better results?

  • Men and women with chronic dark circles around the eye which is affecting their emotional wellbeing and quality of life
  • You should preferably be a non-smoker
  • You should not have serious eye conditions.
  • You should be conscious towards improving your looks.
  • You should be motivated enough to undergo the procedure.
  • You should have realistic expectations.

What Dr Amit Agarwal at Kayakriti focuses on during consultation for Cheek Augmentation ?

A proper assessment will be done by Dr. Amit Agarwal to diagnose whether the dark circles are due to pigment deposition or due to the effect of shadowing of tear trough associated with aging. The treatment is different for pigmentary or shadowing dark circles

  • Examine your eyelid region for quality of skin, pigmentation colour, wrinkles, depressions and face for pigmentation elsewhere.
  • Examine your overall health, medical and eye conditions.
  • Discuss the options for treatment
  • Take photographs
  • Risks and complications of each treatment.
  • Discuss about how the result of the treatment will be.
  • Need for fat grafting on face or combining any other procedure for better results.

What are the questions to be asked with Dr Amit Agarwal at Kayakriti about dark circles treatment?

  • Are you a good candidate for the treatment?
  • What is the best treatment for dark circles?
  • What are the risks and complications related to different modes of treatment?
  • How long will be my recovery period if I undergo nanofat grafting?
  • How long do I have to stay at the centre?
  • Will the dark circles recur?
  • What changes I have to do in my lifestyle to get better results?

What are the preparations to be done for the surgery?

  • Get the tests done which are prescribed by Dr Amit Agarwal.
  • Monitor your current medication after discussing it with your doctor.
  • Stop smoking and alcoholas they aggravate dark circles
  • Do not take any anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin or any herbal supplements as they can aggravate bleeding.
  • Written consent form will be signed explaining the procedure after the admission.
  • Markings will be done before the surgery.

What does Dark circles treatment procedure include?

Which treatment will be best for your dark circles? It can only be decided after consultation with Dr. Amit Agarwal. The treatment available to him for dark circles is –

  • Applications of creams – WORKS ONLY FOR PIGMENTARY DARK CIRCLES-decrease the melanin load for dark circles and include potent eye creams of varying strengths with skin lightening ingredients. These agents include retinoic acid, hydroquinone, kojic acid, azelaic acid and vitamin C in various combinations.
  • Fillers - are used when the soft skin under the eye thins out and leads to the formation of dark circlesand is a good option for people who don't have adequate volume under the eyes, have tear trough deformity and skin laxity. This procedure consists of injecting a natural compound (usually hyaluronic acid) beneath the skin of the eyelid. Fillers may help give a natural lift and smooth transition between the lower eye and upper cheek areas. Fillers won't be helpful if you have dark circles caused by pigment or increased vascular tissues.It gives temporary result and repeat sessions are required every 3-5 months.
  • Nanofat grafting - As an alternative to fillers, fat transfers use fat from your own body. While they are more expensive than regular dermal fillers, they last much longer and are permanent. Nanofat grafting thickens the collagen and the thin and translucent lower eyelid skin overlying the eyelid muscle. It is very effective treatment for dark circles in Indian population. The loss of volume can also be compensated by microfat grafting in the region but is put in much deeper plane than the nanofat grafting.

    The procedure is done under local anaesthesia. Initially, liposuction is done to harvest healthy fat from another area of the body (usually the belly, thighs, or buttocks) and then this fat is purified, processed and prepared for grafting. A fine cannula is used to inject the healthy microfat into those areas of the eyelid that have signs of aging and dark circles. Nanofat is then prepared from the harvested fat and is injected superficially in the dark circles for skin rejuvenation. To account for the body's natural reabsorption of the injected fat, more fat than required is injected. Fat grafting makes your eyes look healthier and more youthful.

  • Blepharoplasty (Eyelid surgery) removes excess fat or loose skin from the eye area. The primary function of a blepharoplasty in dark circle treatment is to eliminate under-eye bags and drooping upper eyelids. It reduces the appearance of dark circles also. A blepharoplasty procedure can be performed on the upper or lower eyelid. In this procedure, an incision can be made either on the outer or inward-facing side of the eyelid. Extra eyelid fat is removed or redistributed and any extra skin is removed. This procedure is usually performed under local anaesthesia.
  • Chemical peels reduce the darkness of your under-eye skin provided there is superficial pigmentation. Glycolic acid (medium peel) and lactic acid lunchtime peel (superficial peel) in an appropriate quantity can be used. Laser Treatment mainly addresses the vascular component of dark circles only by targeting the blue pigment.

(Chemical peels and laser treatment for dark circles are not available at our centre as their use in very limited in its treatment)

Recovery after fat grafting/blepharoplasty for treatment of dark circles

Recovery after fat grafting/blepharoplasty

You can expect swelling and redness immediately after the procedure which can last for one to two weeks. You may also experience some discomfort. You will be instructed to maintain head end elevation for 2 weeks to avoid swelling. You will be made to walk on the same day of the procedure. You will be discharged on the same day of the procedure.

To help with healing, take a week off from your daily routine depending on your type of work. During that time, make sure to get plenty of rest, maintain hand elevation and avoid straining yourself physically or emotionally. You can use ice fomentation if the swelling is more. At first, you may be a little numb but as the swelling subsides, the sensation will return.

Overall recovery might take less than 3 weeks after a significant decrease in swellings and bruising.

After any procedure you have undergone for treatment of dark circles, your skin is quite susceptible to being easily damaged by the sun, and thus it is very important to limit your exposure and take precautions such as using broad-spectrum sunscreen of SPF 50.

You must wear sunglasses to protect the skin from sun rays.

There will be some specific instructions given to you by Dr. Amit Agarwal which include
  • How to take care of the surgical site.
  • About the follow-up dates.
  • How to take the medications or application creams. There are not many medications though.

What are the risks and complications of fat grafting/ blepharoplasty for treatment of dark circles?

Dark circles treatment with fat grafting or blepharoplasty usually gives desired results but there can be some risks involved which include:

  • There can be persistent swelling and bruising in the surgical area which reduces with time.
  • If you have a poor blood supply, the healing will be poor(more common in case of smokers, diabetics, people with multiple diseases)
  • Numbness of the skin under the eyes.
  • Necrosis or death of tissues under the eyes.
  • Irregular contour in form of lumps and bumps.
  • Asymmetry due to unpredictable absorption of fat

These are the risks and possible complications which should be discussed by you with Dr. Amit Agarwal before fat grafting or blepharoplasty for the treatment of dark circles.

The total benefits of this treatment will be seen after the swelling and bruising subsides. It is also very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle to maintain your eyes. If you are unable to maintain it or plan a healthy diet and sufficient sleeping hours, there can be a reversal of the dark circles. So a healthy lifestyle is a must after dark circle treatment which includes

  • Ensure good sleep
  • Avoid smoking, alcohol and stress
  • A cold compress for 20 min whenever needed can reduce the appearance of puffy eyes and shrink dilated blood vessels.
  • Soak two black or green tea bags in hot water for five minutes. Then put them in the refrigerator for 15 to 20 minutes and once they're cold, apply the teabags to your closed eyes for 10 to 20 minutes. After removing, rinse your eyes with cool water.

What Are the Do's and Don'ts?

  1. You should not hide any chronic illnesses with your doctor.
  2. You should wear the sunglasses to protect the surgical are from the sun.
  3. You should improve your lifestyle and proper diet.
  4. You should immediately consult Dr Amit Agarwal if you have any problem after the procedure

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will I need to stay at the center?

You can be discharged same day of the procedure.

Do I need to quit smoking after the surgery?

Quitting smoking is a perfect solution even without surgery as it involves many health risks, but it's totally up to your wish that you want to quit or not. But you should surely stop smoking if you want to eliminate those dark circles from your eyes.

How do I get rid of dark circles?

Drinking lots of water and using a cold compress can reduce eye bags quickly. But for long term reduction, one must make lifestyle changes such as including lots of leafy vegetables and fresh fruits in their diet and one must get sufficient sleep.

Can any deficiency cause dark circles?

Dark circles can also be occur in people due to deficiency of iron, which leads to anaemia. This disease makes it difficult for carrying oxygen to your body tissues, including the areas under the eye. Thereby, resulting in dark circles.

Can cold compress reduce dark circles?

The use of a cold compress may help reduce swelling and shrink dilated blood vessels. It helps reduce puffiness due to dark circles. One may wrap ice cubes in a soft cloth and massage it around the eyes or even placing a cloth dipped in cold water and placing it on the eye area also helps.

Dark Circle Treatment

Shaping dreams through

Know your surgeon better

Dr Amit Agarwal

Best plastic surgeon, Dr. Amit Agarwal is an American Board Certified, extensively trained, and best Plastic & Aesthetic surgeon in Lucknow. He is the Chief Plastic Surgeon heading the Department of Plastic, Microvascular, and Craniofacial surgery at Vivekananda Polyclinic and Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, U.P, India. He maintains a busy practice at Avadh and Nishat Hospital and his own center - Kayakriti Plastic Surgery & Dental Center. He was formerly a Consultant in the Department of Plastic Surgery and Burns at the prestigious SGPGI, Lucknow.

MS, DNB (General Surgery) MCh, DNB (Plastic Surgery),

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Three pillars of kayakriti


We believe your experience with us should be comfortable and hassle-free to make it one of your best lifetime experiences for yours. We, here at the clinic, take full precautions to maintain your privacy in any manner. We also provide a staff who will receive you from the gate and take you to the chamber directly if you demand.


Our Surgeon is highly qualified and internationally certified with a team of skilled staff to perform any surgical or non-surgical treatment on your body.


When you plan to undergo any surgery you should always keep in mind that it's your body and it's a surgery. We, here always keep your safety a priority and will never recommend you to undergo any such procedure which is not safe for you. We also provide you with a detailed description of the complications which may occur after the surgery during the consultation as it's a surgical procedure so there may be some complications depending on the way your body reacts.

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Dainik Jagran
Amar Ujala

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Medical Coordinator help a patient?

If you have flat or small breast and you want to improve your breast and hip contour ratio then you are a good candidate for it. The answer will be best provided after the first consultation with Dr Amit Agarwal.

Is it safe to visit Kayakriti clinic or hospital during Covid-19?

Acute pain will be there for almost a week which gradually reduces and there will be soreness and swelling which may take up to 3 weeks to subside.

Does Kayakriti provide any emergency surgical treatment?

You can join your work and daily routines after a week of the procedure and can start exercising after 3 weeks of it.

Can I consult with a doctor online?

Yes, you have to wear it round the clock unless we suggest you to remove it.

Does Kayakriti have insurance coverage for all surgeries?

This surgery does not affect the ducts or the areas of the breast involved in milk production. Thus, it does not affect the breast feeding.

How Kayakriti takes care of patients on the day of the surgery?

This surgery does not affect the ducts or the areas of the breast involved in milk production. Thus, it does not affect the breast feeding.

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Kayakriti Plastic Surgery & Dental Center

D-43, Near Punjab National Bank, Rajajipuram, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh - 226017, India

Phone No. +919695940009, +919695940006

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