
Removal of
Breast Lump (Scarless)

Get rid of
Breast Lumps

Surgery to remove abenign breast lump is most often an answer to women's apprehension of carrying a lump in her breast.

Brow Forehead Lift
Scarless Removal of Breast Lump

Surgery to remove abenign breast lump is most often an answer to women's apprehension of carrying a lump in her breast. Secondly it helps in definitive diagnosis of the lumps after its complete removal. This procedure completes the treatment in cases of benign lumps which are non-cancerous. But in cases of cancer, it is often the first step in treatment.

Removal of breast lump is a surgical procedure aimed to remove breast lumps that are mostly non-cancerous. Most found lumps are fibroadenomas, cysts and other benign tumors of breast. Surgery is usually not advised for very small diagnosed fibroadenomas and fibrocystic diseases. Women with benign breast lumps need to be counselled properly, provide answers to all their apprehensions and subject them to surgery only if necessary. The goal of the procedure is to remove the lump and some healthy tissue around the tumour. This surgery is called an excisional breast biopsy, or lumpectomy. Eight out of 10 lumps that occur in the breast are not cancerous. Never the less, people should seek medical help if a new lump appears or if an existing lump changes in shape and size.

Brow Forehead Lift

A mammogram or ultrasonography should be done for both the breasts in each case to characterise the lump and also rule out possibility of any other lump elsewhere in breast. Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) should be done to rule out cancer, know exactly the pathology we are dealing with and to form the course of treatment.

Brow Forehead Lift

Sometimes, lumps are seen on imaging studies but neither the patient nor the surgeon can feel them on examination. Such small or very small lumps should also be subjected to cytological examination if possible.

If the lump is diagnosed to be cancerous lesion, then mastectomy (complete surgical removal of the breast) with primary breast reconstruction is advised in most of the cases. Though evidence has shown that lumpectomy is just as effective as a mastectomy in the few cases of early stage breast cancer.

Brow Forehead Lift

Scarless Removal of Breast Lump

Discussions for Removal of breast lump consultation should include

  • You should discuss your surgical goals
  • Details of previous surgeries and previous treatments
  • Current medications and supplements
  • Any pre-existing medical conditions and drug allergies
  • Tobacco, alcohol intake
  • Need for supplemental or additional procedures.

A candidate opting for Breast Reconstruction should fill up these criteria for better results

  • You should be motivated enough to undergo the procedure.
  • You should be preferably a non-smoker.
  • You should really know well about what surgery you are planning to undergo.
  • You should have a positive vibe about your body image

Dr Amit Agarwal's focus during Breast reconstruction consultation

  • Discuss any other option other than getting operated.
  • Examine your overall health, and risk factors
  • Discuss with you about the different methods of breast lump removal and their related outcomes.
  • Plan out the best, safe and cosmetic method for you.
  • Take photographs.
  • Discuss about risks or complications involved.
  • Need for secondary breast procedure to improve breast aesthetics.

Questions to be asked with Dr Amit Agarwal about Breast Reconstruction surgery

  • Are you a good candidate for theremoval of breast lump procedure?
  • Where will there be scars post-surgery?
  • How long do you have to stay at the center?
  • How long is the recovery period?
  • When can you return to work and daily routines?
  • What is expected of you to change in your lifestyle to get better results?

Preparations to be done for the surgery

  1. You should be physically healthy.
  2. If you are a smoker-You should stop smoking at least two weeks prior to the surgery.
  3. Get the tests done prescribed by Dr Amit Agarwal.
  4. All pre surgical work up investigations should be shown to the operating surgeon and the anaesthetist, and we will evaluate your fitness for the surgery. You will be given date for the surgery only after you are declared fit for the procedure.
  5. Compression garment measurement/ sports bra should be given for post-surgical use (in selected procedures).
  6. Avoid taking anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they aggravate bleeding.
  7. Admission will be done on the day of surgery.
  8. Written consent form will be signed explaining the procedure after the admission.
  9. Meeting with the anaesthetist for Pre-Anaesthesia Check-up (PAC) before surgery
  10. Nil by mouth atleast 5-6 hours before the planned surgery.

Breast lump removal procedure includes

Surgery to remove a breast lump is most often an answer to women's apprehension of carrying a lump in her breast. Secondly it helps in definitive diagnosis of the lumps after its complete removal. This procedure completes the treatment in cases of benign lumps which are non-cancerous. But in cases of cancer, it is often the first step in treatment.

The choice of surgery can be difficult in breast cancers. It may be hard to know whether which surgery- lumpectomy or mastectomy (removal of the entire breast) is good for women suffering with breast cancer. In general, lumpectomy is often preferred for smaller breast cancer lumps as it is a smaller procedure, and it has about the same chance of cure as with a mastectomy but it has to be combined with post-surgery radiation. It is a good option as you get to keep most of your breast tissue that has not been affected by cancer. Mastecto my removes all breast tissue if the area of cancer is relatively large or there are multiple tumours which necessitates complete removal of breast. Mastectomy should be ideally combined with primary reconstruction of the breast as it helps to reduce the physical and emotional impact of mastectomy and boosts up the confidence of women undergoing breast removal to feel whole and improves her quality of life.

Removal of breast lump (non-cancer)-

  • First step is to opt between general anaesthesia or local anaesthesia. Best choice will be recommended to you by Dr Amit Agarwal.
  • Second step is to locate the tumour or lump to be removed. Incision is made in such a fashion and location that it is least visible to the eye after surgery.
  • In the third step, Dr Amit Agarwal will remove the tumour and some healthy cells around the tumour. This ensures that the entire tumour is removed. The lump is then sent to a laboratory for testing.
  • Following the successful removal of the tumour, the incision will be closed with stitches and bandage.

Recovery after the surgery

The recovery period is very short for a simple lumpectomy. You will be made to walk on the same or next day of the surgery. You will be discharged on second day of the surgery. In a week following surgery, you'll need to restrict your activities. You will need to take care of the incision at home. The stitches may dissolve on their own or Dr Amit Agarwal will remove them during a follow-up appointment.

Depending on the extent of the procedure, aftercare may include

  • rest
  • taking sponge-baths instead of showers while stitches are still in place
  • wearing a support bra or sports bra
  • arm exercises that the surgeon may recommend

After removing the lump, Dr Amit Agarwal will send it to a pathologist, who will examine it under a microscope to confirm the diagnosis. They will discuss what the results mean and what will happen next. During the recovery period-

  • There can be swelling and bruising of the breast region which usually subsides in 1-2 weeks.
  • In the days following surgery, there will be pain which can be subsided by the pain killers given by Dr Amit Agarwal.
  • Soreness might last for few weeks.
  • You will be on bed rest for about 3 days to a week after-surgery
  • You can return to work depending on your will power and the type of work required between 1-2 weeks.
  • You can return to your normal lifestyle after 2 to 3 weeks of surgery.

There will be some specific instructions given to you by Dr Amit Agarwal which includes:

  • How to take care of the surgical site.
  • About the follow up dates.
  • How to take the medications or application of creams. There are not many medications though.

Risk and complications post-surgery

Before going for the surgery, you should always understand the risks and potential complications related to surgery. Breast lump removal usually gives desired results but there can be some risks involved which include:

  • Risks related to general anaesthesia. General Anaesthesia is very safe in present times and with best machines and a qualified anaesthetist, chances of encountering any complication are less than 0.1 percent in a healthy individual. We at Kayakriti Plastic Surgery and Dental Centre are equipped with world class anaesthesia workstation, other equipments and two very qualified intensivists for the surgical procedures to be very safe and smooth.
  • Infection which is very rare
  • There can be persistent swelling and bruising in the surgical area which reduces with time.
  • Seroma formation or fluid accumulation can be there which usually deceases with time.
  • Bleeding or haematoma formation can occur which might require drainage.
  • Poor wound healing because of poor blood supply of flaps. Seen more commonly in smokers, diabetes, hypothyroidism and women with multiple comorbidities.
  • Sometimes change in skin sensation is noticed which leads to numbness in a particular area of the breast.
  • Scars will be there along the incision line which will fade with time. Scars can get hypertrophied if you are prone for it.
  • Change in appearance of the breast is seen in some cases where lump was very largeand had displaced the breast tissues significantly

These are the risks and possible complication which should be discussed by you with Dr Amit Agarwal before the procedure.

Do's and Don'ts

  1. You should always discuss any previous surgery or medical conditions without hesitation.
  2. You should always wear pressure garment/sports bra when advised as it reduces swelling and gives proper shape.
  3. You should immediately consult your doctor if you have any problem after surgery.
  4. You should always maintain a healthy lifestyle for best and prolonged results.

Frequently Asked Questions

After how long can I start exercising?

You can start exercising after 3 weeks of surgery and as our doctor suggests depending on your healing process.

Is the procedure painful?

This procedure is performed under local or general anaesthesia. During the procedure you will not feel any pain but there may be some pain and swelling during the recovery process which will be taken acre off with the medications.

Do I need to quit smoking after the surgery?

Quitting smoking is a perfect solution even without surgery as it involves many health risks, but it's totally up to your wish that you want to quit or not. But you should surely stop smoking at least 2 weeks before the surgery.

Why the procedure is performed?

Surgery to remove a breast lump is most often an answer to women's apprehension of carrying a lump in her breast. Secondly it helps in definitive diagnosis of the lumps after its complete removal. This procedure completes the treatment in cases of benign lumps which are non-cancerous. But in cases of cancer,it is often the first step in treatment.

The choice of which surgery is best for you can be difficult in breast cancers. It may be hard to know whether lumpectomy or mastectomy (removal of the entire breast) is best. In general:

  1. Lumpectomy is often preferred for smaller breast lumps. This is because it is a smaller procedure, and it has about the same chance of cure as with a mastectomy. It is a good option as you get to keep most of your breast tissue that has not been affected by cancer.
  2. Mastectomy to remove all breast tissue may be done if the area of cancer is relatively large or there are multiple tumours which necessitates complete removal of breast.
What are the different types of lumps?

They include:

Cysts: These harmless growths in the breast tissue tend to occur with hormonal changes, such as the start of a menstrual period. A needle can be used to drain the fluid that usually fills a cyst. But after draining, cysts can reoccur.

Fibroadenoma and fibrocystic breasts: There conditions involve hardening and thickening of the tissue within the breast. This tissue is usually harmless.

Intraductal papillomas: This occurs when hard, rubbery, lumps form in the milk ducts. These are also usually harmless.

Benign tumours: These solid growths are not cancerous or dangerous. They can be uncomfortable, and they can sometimes cause leakage from the nipples, depending on their location. Doing a biopsy and examining the cells from the tumour under a microscope is the only way to determine if it is cancerous or benign.

Hormonal changes: The breasts change over time and during the menstrual cycle. Lumps may come and go regularly. Checking the breasts at the same time each month can help a person keep track of any change that is unusual.

Fatty lumps that develop after a trauma, and the use of some medications, are other causes of breast lumps.

Scarless Removal of Breast Lump

Shaping dreams through

Know your surgeon better

Dr Amit Agarwal

Best plastic surgeon, Dr. Amit Agarwal is an American Board Certified, extensively trained, and best Plastic & Aesthetic surgeon in Lucknow. He is the Chief Plastic Surgeon heading the Department of Plastic, Microvascular, and Craniofacial surgery at Vivekananda Polyclinic and Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, U.P, India. He maintains a busy practice at Avadh and Nishat Hospital and his own center - Kayakriti Plastic Surgery & Dental Center. He was formerly a Consultant in the Department of Plastic Surgery and Burns at the prestigious SGPGI, Lucknow.

MS, DNB (General Surgery) MCh, DNB (Plastic Surgery),

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Three pillars of kayakriti


We believe your experience with us should be comfortable and hassle-free to make it one of your best lifetime experiences for yours. We, here at the clinic, take full precautions to maintain your privacy in any manner. We also provide a staff who will receive you from the gate and take you to the chamber directly if you demand.


Our Surgeon is highly qualified and internationally certified with a team of skilled staff to perform any surgical or non-surgical treatment on your body.


When you plan to undergo any surgery you should always keep in mind that it's your body and it's a surgery. We, here always keep your safety a priority and will never recommend you to undergo any such procedure which is not safe for you. We also provide you with a detailed description of the complications which may occur after the surgery during the consultation as it's a surgical procedure so there may be some complications depending on the way your body reacts.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Medical Coordinator help a patient?

If you have flat or small breast and you want to improve your breast and hip contour ratio then you are a good candidate for it. The answer will be best provided after the first consultation with Dr Amit Agarwal.

Is it safe to visit Kayakriti clinic or hospital during Covid-19?

Acute pain will be there for almost a week which gradually reduces and there will be soreness and swelling which may take up to 3 weeks to subside.

Does Kayakriti provide any emergency surgical treatment?

You can join your work and daily routines after a week of the procedure and can start exercising after 3 weeks of it.

Can I consult with a doctor online?

Yes, you have to wear it round the clock unless we suggest you to remove it.

Does Kayakriti have insurance coverage for all surgeries?

This surgery does not affect the ducts or the areas of the breast involved in milk production. Thus, it does not affect the breast feeding.

How Kayakriti takes care of patients on the day of the surgery?

This surgery does not affect the ducts or the areas of the breast involved in milk production. Thus, it does not affect the breast feeding.

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Kayakriti Plastic Surgery & Dental Center

D-43, Near Punjab National Bank, Rajajipuram, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh - 226017, India

Phone No. +919695940009, +919695940006

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