
Lower Body Lift

Lower Body Lift is a procedure designed for men and women who want to get rid of extra hanging skin and fat from their upper body after massive weight loss.

Fat Transfer to Labia Majora
Lower Body Lift

Lower body lift or 360 belt lipectomyare the procedures designed for men and women who want to get rid of extra hanging skin and fat from their lower body after massive weight loss.

Both Lower body lift and belt lipectomy surgery target the same area and the terms are very commonly used interchangeably by all but both the procedures are different from each other in placements of their scars around the lower body. Remember, lower body lift is the true lifting procedure and not belt lipectomy.

After bariatric surgery, there's massive loss of weight in most of the patients resulting in very significant amount of loose and excess skin in many areas of the body which needs cosmetic correction. This loose and excess skin can also be a significant problem in many areas of the body after weight loss following diet and exercise. The cosmetic procedures commonly done after massive weight loss by plastic surgeons are lower body lift, upper body lift, and medial thigh lift.

Lower body lift or belt lipectomy surgery is the circumferential removal of loose hanging skin and fat from the abdomen and around the waist or 'belt' line for men and women. Lower body lift consists of an extended tummy tuck, lateral thigh/waist lift and buttock lift+/-buttock augmentation. With this extensive removal of skin in 360 degrees of torso, looseness above the buttocks is removed and lifts them as well. In few men and women who have lost significant amount of fat from buttock area and as a result have flattened, fat is used to augment the buttocks during belt lipectomy, restoring the flattened hips to a more youthful and projecting shape. The extent and location of extra skin varies depending on a number of factors, like your body shape and how much weight you have lost. Some people have skin folds and rolls on the abdomen, waist area, and with sagging thighs and buttock areas. This can cause serious hygiene issues, mobility restrictions, makes underwear and clothing uncomfortable or difficult to wear. These extra rolls of skin are aesthetically displeasing and quite visible to everyone which end up stealing your joy of your weight loss journey. In short, lower body lift tightens and sculpts the buttocks, back and outer aspects of the thighs, hips and abdomen area.

A lower body lift can have dramatic results and make a huge difference in how your clothes fit and how you feel about your body. This surgery creates a tighter and smoother contour of your whole lower body, improving your profile from all the angles and leading to renewed self-confidence.

Most of the men and women after drastic weight loss want to opt for abdominoplasty only instead of lower body lift or belt lipectomy as they do not have any idea about the multidimensional effect of weight loss. This can only be judged and conveyed to you after a thorough physical examination by a plastic surgeon who has dealt with such cases. Abdominoplasty alone should never be done in men and women with massive weight loss as it will lead to more deformed and unshapen waist line and hip area. Generally lower body lift is considered to be a life changing experience for all the people who opt for it after their massive weight loss.

Body contouring surgery should not be done for about one and half years to two years following bariatric surgery or after any massive weight loss program. This time allows for continual fat loss and your skin to shrink as much as possible and your nutrition to be stabilized and optimized, factors which will aid in your recovery process while undergoing body contouring surgery.

Benefits of lower body lift surgery

  1. Sagging skin will be removed which causes painful rashes and infections.
  2. Results of your weight loss are actually visible to you and everyone after this surgery.
  3. Better self-esteem and confidence
Lower Body Lift

Discussions during lower body lift surgery consultation should include

  • Your previous records of surgeries.
  • Any past or present chronic medical conditions.
  • Use of any supplements or under any medications.
  • Tobacco and alcohol intake.
  • Your body reshaping/surgical goals
  • History of any allergies.
  • Need for supplemental procedures to get better results

A candidate opting for lower body lift should fill up these criteria for better results

  • Men and women who had undergone massive loss of weight through natural means by diet and exercise or bariatric surgery and have loose skin and muscles of the abdomen, sagging waistline, buttocks and thigh region.
  • Men and women with significant skin laxity, excess skin, sagging buttocks and significant abdominal wall laxity on their weight loss journey.
  • Body contouring surgery should not be done for about one and half years to two years following bariatric surgery or after any massive weight loss program and your weight should be stable for at least six months, with no further weight loss expected.
  • You should be physically healthy with controlled or no chronic medical conditions, such as diabetes, high BP, thyroid issues. You should not have chronic heart and lung diseases.
  • You preferably do not smoke. Smoking slows down the healing process and increases the risk of serious complications during and after surgery.
  • You should be conscious towards improving your body shape.
  • You are willing to accept a thin circumferential scar around your waist.
  • You should be open to discussion
  • You should really know well about what surgery you are planning to undergo
  • You should have realistic expectations.

Dr Amit Agarwal's focus during consultation

  • Measure your BMI, assess areas of remanent fat deposits and loose sagging skin over whole body.
  • Assess your back and buttocks area, need for buttock fat grafting?
  • Mention any Asymmetry, Any lumps, Any vertical C section scars?
  • Assess your sagging abdomen and its muscle tone, any hernias?
  • Examine how much of fat is outside the muscles of abdomen and how much is intra abdominal-inside with internal organs
  • Examine your overall health, and risk factors
  • Discuss about lower body lift surgery and belt lipectomy.
  • Take photographs
  • Risk and complications related to surgery
  • Highlight the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle even after surgery.

Questions to be asked with Dr Amit Agarwal about lower body lift

  • Are you a good candidate for the procedure?
  • How long do you have to stay at the centre?
  • What is the procedure?
  • How are the scars post-surgery?
  • How long is the recovery period?
  • When can you return to work and daily routines?
  • What is expected of you to change in your lifestyle to get better results?

Preparations to be done for the surgery

  1. Get the tests done prescribed by Dr Amit Agarwal.
  2. Strict scheduled diet to be followed by you before surgery.
  3. Refrain from drinking alcohol 48 hours before the surgery, since it can affect the anaesthesia
  4. Do not smoke for four weeks before your lower body lift surgery, and four weeks after the surgery
  5. Avoid taking anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they aggravate bleeding.
  6. All pre surgical work up investigations should be shown to the operating surgeon and the anaesthetist, and we will evaluate your fitness for the surgery. You will be given date for the surgery only after you are declared fit for the procedure.
  7. Admission will be done on the same day or a day prior at the centre or in the hospital where the surgery would be performed.
  8. Meeting with the anaesthetist for Pre-Anaesthetic check-up before the surgery.
  9. Written consent form will be signed explaining the procedure after the admission
  10. Nil per oral for minimum of 5-6 hours before the planned procedure.
  11. You should always have an attendant who can accompany you after the surgery for at least 3 weeks.
  12. Markings will be done before surgery.

Lower body lift surgery or belt lipectomy procedure

Initially, Dr Amit Agarwal makes tentative surgical markings on the skin to be excised circumferentially as per your discussion with him keeping in mind the type of procedure you have selected.

Both the procedures remove tissues from the lower body circumferentially but the scar of belt lipectomy sits higher than the scar of lower body lift. The scar of lower body lift is well hidden under the panty line. The decision to perform lower body lift or belt lipectomy in a man or woman depends on the amount of excess skin present in the lower body and the body reshaping goals. In belt lipectomy, extra skin around the torso is removed along with a tummy tuck, but there is no true attempt to perform a thigh and buttock lift. Lower body lift is the true and reliable lifting procedure which lifts and enhances the gluteal and outer thighs region along with the abdomen reshaping.

General anaesthesia is given by our very competent anaesthetist and intensivist. This surgery is performed in three sequential steps by Dr Amit Agarwal. We have to reposition the patient at least two to three times during the surgery to access different areas of the lower body.

  • Abdominoplasty /tummy tuck- Tumescent anaesthesia solution is infused in the fat tissues under the pre marked skin of the area of planned surgery to reduce bleeding, pain and trauma to the tissues. An incision is made in the lower most part of abdomen carried upto the waist on the sides and dissection of the lower skin is done then towards the naval or belly button. An incision is also given around the Belly button which is detached from its original position with its stalk to be given a new position later during the surgery. The dissection usually extends up from your navel and abdominal muscles are appropriately tightened, and excess skin is stretched and trimmed. A new opening for belly button is made and then it is placed in position and sutured. Incision is closed with absorbable sutures and glue over a drain. The scar is placed low on the abdomen, just above the pubic hair area, and extend upwards toward the hip bones.
  • Lateral thigh /waist lift- The excess sagging skin and tissues are excised from the waist. Dissection is done towards the thigh in downward direction and underlying tissues are suspended up and tightened-lifting thigh up. Incision is sutured with absorbable sutures and glue. It is usually combined with liposuction of the lateral thigh areas also. The scar is placed gently curved around the waist, moving down towards the buttock region on the back.
  • Hip lift- The same incision is carried to the back and the excess skin is removed from the lower back and the buttocks are lifted up. Men and women who have flat buttocks can have auto buttock augmentation also during the same procedure. Incision will be closed in multiple layers to control stretching and swelling. Deep support sutures within the underlying tissues help to form the newly shaped buttock contours. Sutures and skin adhesives are used to close the skin incisions. The scar gently curves toward the top of the buttock crease to meet the incision from the other side.

Your scar placement is determined by how you wear your clothing, can be placed high or low and will be easily hidden by clothing.

Recovery after the surgery

Lower body lift procedure has a some what lengthy recovery period and will definitely require nursing assistance at home for a minimum of 3 to 4 weeks.

After the surgery, dressings are applied to the surgical area. You are made to wear a compression garment to support your abdomen, waist, hips and back region. This garment helps in the compression of the skin and also reduces swelling giving you desired body shape and improved contour.

Some temporary drains are placed under the skin to remove excess fluid. These drains are removed on the second or third day of the surgery, and you can go home then followed by the weekly visits or as suggested by Dr Amit Agarwal. You will be made to walk on the second day of the surgery. We may send you home with drain if there is excess fluid in the body. It might be preferable to remove the drain at a follow up visit.

Since the surgery will affect your mobility, arrange for one assistant to assist you in the days of recovery. Try to have food supplies and medications readily available for you at home.

You have to avoid strenuous activities as you heal but you should still move around to prevent blood clots developing in your legs.

  • There can be substantial swelling and bruising which usually subsides in 3 to 4 weeks
  • The sutures will be mostly dissolvable and do not require to be taken off.
  • In the days following surgery, there will be pain which can be subsided by the pain killers given by Dr Amit Agarwal.
  • Soreness might last for few weeks.
  • You will be made to walk the very following day, depending on your will and wish.
  • You can start exercising after six to eight weeks post-surgery.
  • Pressure garment is a must wear for the next 6 months without gap or fail for almost 24 hours a day.
  • You can return to work depending on your will power and the type of work required after four weeks.
  • You can return to your normal lifestyle after four weeks of surgery.

After a month you will be confident with your new uplifted profile. You should always follow a healthy lifestyle to maintain your profile and confidence.

Dr Amit Agarwal will give you specific instructions for

  • How to take care of the surgical site
  • About the medications and how to maintain the general health.
  • About your follow ups.

The complete result of lower body Lift Surgery will be seen after the swelling and bruising subsides. You should give your body 6 -12 months' time for evaluation of best results.

Possible side effects and risks

The complications and aftermaths of the surgery vary from person to person and their physical well-being. Lower body lift usually gives desired results but there can be some risks involved which include:

  • Risks related to general anaesthesia which are very rare-General Anaesthesia is very safe in present times and with best machines and a qualified anaesthetist, chances of encountering any complication is less than 0.1 percent in a healthy individual. We at Kayakriti Plastic Surgery and Dental centre are equipped with world class anaesthesia workstation, other equipments and two very qualified intensivists for the surgical procedures to be very safe and smooth.
  • Visible scars at the incision sites which is circumferential around your waist. The scars usually fade with time and are well hidden under the panty line in females and undergarments of males.
  • Risks related to higher BMI (Body Mass Index). Higher the BMI, higher are the risks of wound healing problems like wound dehiscence or skin necrosis
  • Seroma formation or fluid accumulation can occur which subsides with time.
  • Rare chances of infection and wound dehiscence are there which may require prolonged antibiotic therapy and re-suturing respectively.
  • Bleeding or haematoma formation under skin flaps which might mere require observation or surgical drainage
  • Slight asymmetry
  • There can be persistent swelling and bruising in the surgical area which reduces with time.
  • If you have a poor blood supply, the healing will be poor and chances of wound healing problems is more. (More common in smokers, people with high BMI, diabetics, hypothyroidism and in people with multiple diseases)
  • Sometimes irregular contours are seen, which can be corrected with the use of the pressure garment.
  • Change in skin sensation is noticed which recovers with time.
  • Irregular pigmentation or hypertrophic scarring of the surgical suture line which also recovers with time or might require application of creams.
  • Rare event of Deep Vein Thrombosis, fat embolism, pulmonary or cardiac complications, lidocaine toxicity can occur or precipitate in patients with multiple pre-existing diseases diagnosed or undiagnosed by routinely available standard tests These are the risks and possible complication which should be discussed by you with Dr Amit Agarwal before the procedure.

It is also very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle to maintain your shape and contour. If you are unable to maintain it or plan an exercise regime, there can be deposits of unwanted fat at other sites other than the surgical. Then probably you may have to go under another surgery.

Do's and Don'ts of lower body lift

  1. You should never force your doctor for excess fat and skin removal as it can create complications like compromise in the blood supply of the raised skin flaps.
  2. You should not get into surgery if you are having any major chronic illness and you should not hide it with Dr Amit Agarwal.
  3. You should always wear the pressure garment as it reduces swelling and improves your contour.
  4. You should improve your lifestyle to avoid any further fat deposits in other body parts. So to maintain a shape and slimmer arms you should pursue exercises and proper diet.
  5. You should consult Dr Amit Agarwal immediately if you have any complication.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to quit smoking after the surgery?

Quitting smoking is a perfect solution even without surgery as it involves many health risks, but it's totally up to your wish that you want to quit or not. But you should surely stop smoking at least 4 weeks before the surgery.

How long do I have to stay at the centre?

You may go home on the second or third post operative day depending on your recovery.

What Results Should I Expect After My Lower Body Lift?

Lower body lift usually produces a tightened and more attractive appearance of the buttocks, abdomen and thighs. The surgical scar is circumferential & permanent, and may stay thick and red but tends to fade over time and reaches its final appearance over 12 to 18 months.

Is Lower Body Lift Surgery Right for Me?

Men and women of any age with loose skin on the buttocks, abdomen and outer thighs after bariatric or massive weight loss may be candidates for this procedure.

How Long Will the Results Last?

The results of lower body lift are long-lasting if you maintain a healthy lifestyle. If you gain or lose weight following your lower body lift, you may see some of your results diminish; however, maintaining a healthy body weight can help results last for years or decades.

Lower Body Lift

Shaping dreams through

Know your surgeon better

Dr Amit Agarwal

Best plastic surgeon, Dr. Amit Agarwal is an American Board Certified, extensively trained, and best Plastic & Aesthetic surgeon in Lucknow. He is the Chief Plastic Surgeon heading the Department of Plastic, Microvascular, and Craniofacial surgery at Vivekananda Polyclinic and Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, U.P, India. He maintains a busy practice at Avadh and Nishat Hospital and his own center - Kayakriti Plastic Surgery & Dental Center. He was formerly a Consultant in the Department of Plastic Surgery and Burns at the prestigious SGPGI, Lucknow.

MS, DNB (General Surgery) MCh, DNB (Plastic Surgery),

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Three pillars of kayakriti


We believe your experience with us should be comfortable and hassle-free to make it one of your best lifetime experiences for yours. We, here at the clinic, take full precautions to maintain your privacy in any manner. We also provide a staff who will receive you from the gate and take you to the chamber directly if you demand.


Our Surgeon is highly qualified and internationally certified with a team of skilled staff to perform any surgical or non-surgical treatment on your body.


When you plan to undergo any surgery you should always keep in mind that it's your body and it's a surgery. We, here always keep your safety a priority and will never recommend you to undergo any such procedure which is not safe for you. We also provide you with a detailed description of the complications which may occur after the surgery during the consultation as it's a surgical procedure so there may be some complications depending on the way your body reacts.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Medical Coordinator help a patient?

If you have flat or small breast and you want to improve your breast and hip contour ratio then you are a good candidate for it. The answer will be best provided after the first consultation with Dr Amit Agarwal.

Is it safe to visit Kayakriti clinic or hospital during Covid-19?

Acute pain will be there for almost a week which gradually reduces and there will be soreness and swelling which may take up to 3 weeks to subside.

Does Kayakriti provide any emergency surgical treatment?

You can join your work and daily routines after a week of the procedure and can start exercising after 3 weeks of it.

Can I consult with a doctor online?

Yes, you have to wear it round the clock unless we suggest you to remove it.

Does Kayakriti have insurance coverage for all surgeries?

This surgery does not affect the ducts or the areas of the breast involved in milk production. Thus, it does not affect the breast feeding.

How Kayakriti takes care of patients on the day of the surgery?

This surgery does not affect the ducts or the areas of the breast involved in milk production. Thus, it does not affect the breast feeding.

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Kayakriti Plastic Surgery & Dental Center

D-43, Near Punjab National Bank, Rajajipuram, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh - 226017, India

Phone No. +919695940009, +919695940006

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